Gonda Shuzo Product list

Naozane -Dry Type

直実 辛口酒

This Sake is brewed using a type of yeast uniquely developed in Saitama, which gives it a rich flavor with a crisp, clean aftertaste. The Sake presents a slightly spicy taste that never gets old, and is very delicious served heated or cooled.

Capacity Price
1800ml1980 Japanese Yen(Tax included)
720ml847 Japanese Yen(Tax included)
300ml396 Japanese Yen(Tax included)
180ml253 Japanese Yen(Tax included)
List of ingredients The Rice used is produced in Japan and milled to 65% of original weight. Malted rice referred to as Kome-koji, and brewed alcohol are also used.
Yeast used Saitama: E
Alcohol content 15.0%
Japanese Sake Alcohol Content +4.0
Acidity 0.9
Amino Acidity 1.3
Amount included 1800ml/720ml/300ml/180ml/

*Anything from product label, design, containers, and ingredients of Sake are subject to change without notice

Level of Dryness and Sweetness

  • Very Dry
  • Dry
  • Medium-Dry
  • Medium-Sweet
  • Sweet

Recommended ways to prepare

  • served icy cold
  • served cold
  • served at room temperature
  • heated to tepid temperature
  • heated fairly warm
  • heated hot